A Midnight Romance [Legend of the Seeker - Leo/Kahlan]

Mar 24, 2011 21:47

Title: A Midnight Romance
Word Count: 2880
Pairing: Leo/Kahlan with mention of Kahlan/Richard, Leo/Cara
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, I only borrow them for my own imagination.
Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Additional Notes: This is a fic/fanmix story. The songs on the fanmix are to go along with the story but there is also an additional song download of "Acoustic Romance" that is the song sung throughout most of the story. It's set in a 1930's AU and has not been beta'd.

Smoke filled out into the night air as the front door swung open, letting out the noise of the club into the night. It shut quickly as he slipped in among the tourists and the travelers, the dames and the dealers, the thieves and the cops all there for a good time.

This was his kind of club; his world inside here, no one else could boast that and know it to be true, only him. He slipped off his hat, watching as the dancers took to the floor to the drum beat playing a hot little number from south of the border and he smiled. A sly smile for one doll in particular, high up on the stage belting her heart out to the crowed nightclub.

His smile turned into a grin as she slunk across the stage, a skintight gown sparkled ruby red in the light as she prowled every set of eyes in the place until she found his. Her grin matched his and he felt the draw to her, the same pull and animal instinct he had felt the first time he laid eyes on her. Only this time he knew better than to fall for that trick again. Although he imagined every man and even a couple of the ladies felt the same pull towards the blond bombshell on the stage.

Her voice told a story while her body showed you.

Leo pulled his eyes from her gaze, shaking loose of the memories and pain that dame had caused him. It was over with her, they both knew but no matter how much time passed, nothing could till the flame that he still felt deep inside for her. A game to her became too real too soon and she spooked, couldn’t tell by looking at her but he scared her. Scared her from feeling any too much for one person more than herself, a life lived alone and in control crumbled as they danced many a night away together, on and off the ballroom floor.

She ran and he didn’t follow, not after the first handful of times she bolted. He knew better now and moved on, finding something more than he had ever found before.

“We used to love like lovers do
We used to talk like lovers do
But something's changed - changed
what gets in the way”

The heat of the club pressed against his skin, his suit slick from the radiating and close proximity of bodies surrounding him wherever he traveled. Leo came for one set of eyes, Bambi's eyes.

She wasn’t his. She wasn’t just anyone’s lady but Richard’s, the owner of the club. He owned several places in town, ran the brewery underground, and even kept several cops in his pocket for good measure. He controlled this part of town, controlled what happened and who was there but none of that mattered to Leo. Nothing but the girl.

He had always seen her, floating around the club like the heat and the noise didn’t exist, like she was above it all. Her eyes taking in everything and her lips saying everything he ever wanted to hear but it was never to him. Her words, her eyes always belonged to the man upstairs. The man who ruled all.

But he still snuck in, glances and words, fingertips and secrets every chance he had and soon he was catching glances back from her. Her blue eyes were no longer Richard’s and Leo smiled.

Tonight was the night; he’d lay it all out. He had everything set and nothing could stand in his way, not when bambi eyes was looking his way. She was dressed in white, a gown that fit snugly against her top, showing off her arms and a flowy bottom with a slit up the side.

“I'm a man, I'm a man on the scene,
I'm a man, and I can be so obscene
Because I always think that I know how to be,
But I always thought that I would end up with you, eventually.”

She felt his eyes before she saw him. A blush spread across her cheeks as she moved across the floor towards the bar, weaving in and out of the people as they danced to the music. Kahlan had always seen him, how could she not? That smile, that swagger, he walked into a room and owned it without as much as a word. Even before the words and the whispers, the secrets that they kept behind lock and key, she watched him.

She didn’t mean too. That’s what she told herself late at night when the guilt became too much for sleep. She was happy and lucky, really lucky to be singled out by Richard. If he hadn’t taken a shine to her, she might be living at home in the middle of nowhere where the only company she had were her dreams.

He had picked her. Chose this small town girl to be his one lady as he conquered the big city, dressing her in the fanciest of dresses and making sure every wish was granted. At first she had been hesitant, in awe of all Richard had to offer but before long, she was in love.

That was, until Leo arrived in town. She smiled to herself, finding an empty spot at the bar as she sat and listened to Cara sing and sway the crowd with her words.

He’d sneak a peek, whisper a word or two when no one was looking and before long Kahlan longed for those whispers, the quiet moment where nothing else mattered but to hear him speak again. He treated her different than anyone else, they put her on a pedestal, worshipped from afar. Even the ones she called friends kept her at arms distance in fear of upsetting her and subsequently Richard. It grew lonely that her only friend was Cara; who could care less about upsetting Richard.

Kahlan gazed at the stage, seeing the courage and strength the other woman thrived on as she captivated the audience. She longed to be that strong, that courageous to follow her dreams but she knew Richard would never approve of her doing that. It might be dangerous and what if she was too far away from him if something happened? She couldn’t be like Cara.

She shook her head, feeling the long curls bounce along her back as she ordered a drink. With a wink and nod, the bartender filled the order and it disappeared between her pale pink lips before anyone even noticed she had a drink.

“What a world we live in, where a beautiful dame like you can knock one back like a man,” she heard just to the right of her ear.

“The world is changing; Mr. Dane, better keep up or you’re going to get left behind.”

She heard him chuckle lightly as he ordered two more drinks from the bartender.

“Believe me, I’m not going anywhere without a drink first,” he said as he raised the glass to his lips and knocked it back just as quickly as she did. He leaned in closer, setting the glass down and pushing aside a lock of her hair from her face. “Let’s get out of here, doll face, you and me.”
Kahlan turned to look at him straight on, shock written across her face at his words. Her mouth fumbled to find the words to speak.

“M… m… Mr. Dane,” she exclaimed before settling her voice back down, “We can’t. You know that and how could you even suggest such a thing, here of all places.” Her voice barely heard over the roar of the crowd as Cara finished a long note.

“It’s time to reach for the stars.” A mischievous smile played on his lips as his eyes locked with hers. Kahlan found her breath escaping her as she looked into the eyes of the one man who offered her everything and asked for nothing.

”Our hands touch as the record plays
You're the king of the clever phrase
My heart stalls as you call my name
You touch your hair and I do the same.”

His hand found hers.

“Let’s dance.” Her mouth went dry and she only nodded before they were in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by numerous couples dancing to the song. His strong arm slid around her waist, fitting perfectly as she rested her other hand on his shoulder.

”We're both nervous that they're on to us
We have to be so obvious
And it's more than a little crush
All my words are rushed
And I'm feeling whoa”

The beat started slow, inconspicuous to the slightest change in tempo as the song slowed a beat and their movements became softer and their bodies drew closer.

Kahlan kept her head down, her mind reeling at the thought of running out that door with her hand in his. Not looking at him was all she could do to keep her composure, to keep her face like a mask, to not betray anything she was feeling to those who might be watching.

She used to have dreams of grandeur, prospects of achieving her dreams when Richard took her hand in his but any hope for that disappeared over time as she settled into becoming nothing more than a trophy for him, something he could show off in front of the town. Conversations, ideas, discussions, and dreams were not part of his plan for her and until she met Leo, she had accepted her place. Richard was good to her, saw that she and her family well cared for but as her eyes flickered upwards and met the hazel color of Leo’s eyes gazing at her, she knew she wanted more.

”Our Eyes close as we cross the line
Your lips part and slowly move towards mine
My heart stops for the second time
A playful grin as you draw the blinds”

His arm wrapped tighter around her waist, pressing her against him until there was nothing left between them. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then and there, her eyes were wide and hopeful, and seeking his for answers to everything he promised her. He could tell she wanted to go with him but was still hesitant, her hand slid around his neck and she leaned in ever so close to him.

“It’s a mess of a moonlight,” she whispered.

Leo leaned down, moving closer to her lips as he spoke, “won’t-cha share it with me.”

With a flick of his wrist, he spun her out, watching as her skirt floated around her ethereally and she snapped back into his arms. A smile, broader and brighter than the sun crossed her face as he wrapped his arms around her. He wasn’t afraid of what they might look like, he didn’t care what anyone might say or think about them. The only thing he cared about was the woman in his arms. Nothing else mattered in the world to him than to see that smile shine brighter than any star painted across the sky.

“What do you say, doll face? Take a chance on a wayward son?” A smile flickered across his face as her arms found their way around his neck.

”We never meant for this to end up like it did
We never wanted it, no we never wanted it
We never meant for this to end up like it did
We might have wanted it, yeah we wanted it.

A midnight romance.”

Applause filled the room. Cara had finished her solo and was making her way off the stage for the night.

So close. He could almost see the words form on her lips but at the last second her eyes caught a face in the crowd.

Her smile dropped out of sight and he felt her flinch away from him, pulling away from his embrace until they were but fingertips touching. His face fell for a second before he composed himself, tilting back the edge of his hat and nodding at her.

The applause died down as he buried the hurt watching her walk away, back into his arms.
She made her choice. She chose Richard, stability, and broken dreams instead of him. Rather waste away alone in this town than live a life with the stars.

A quick step of the feet and he was making his way out the back, slipping in among the back dressing rooms and background singers buzzing around, tearing apart their costumes for the night. He was almost at the exit when Cara slid in front of him, putting pause to his step with a flick of her wrist.

“Going somewhere, alone?” Her voice purred in the shadowy corridor, silence wafting around them as it cleared out of anyone else.

“Out,” Leo said shortly, moving around her trying to reach the exit and fresh air. Only Cara didn’t budge, only wound her fingers up his sleeve to his shoulder, pulling him into her as she whispered into his ear. Her breathe warm against his skin.

“You don’t have to be alone tonight,” she whispered, clearly enjoying the effect she still had on him as she watched his eyes light up at her words. She pressed in closer, sliding up against him with only the shadows between them.

Leo leaned down, his breath tickling the side of her neck as he breathed in deeply against her skin.

“I’m sorry sweetheart but I’d rather be alone then get tangled with you again, Cara.”
Her eyes flicked to his, fury raging behind the icy depths that prickled his skin as she stepped back, clearly unimpressed with his words.

“Your loss,” she said, walking away back to her dressing room and managing to wrangle a young stagehand on her way. He slipped in quietly after her, a grin Leo recognized seeing on his own face not a few months before.

He shook his head, clearing away the smell of perfume and leather that radiated from Cara and pushed through the back door. The night was quiet, barely a car passing by as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a drag, he forced himself to walk away, to not turn back and grab Kahlan, shake loose any hold Richard had over her, and take her away from all this. It wouldn’t do any good, she was as stubborn as she was beautiful, the choice had to be her own.

He tossed away the cigarette and hopped over the car door of his convertible roadster, settling in to drive the night and any thought of her away. The engine roared over the empty street, only the streetlamp flickering with life to keep him company as he put the vehicle into drive.

“Wait!” A voice called out from the dark of the night, pounding footsteps slapping loudly against the pavement as Leo craned his neck to try to make out the figure approaching fast.

“Leo, wait!”

As much as he’d deny it, his heart leapt into his throat as the voice drew closer and clearer. It was Kahlan, her hair flying in the air with heels in hand as she ran hurriedly from the club towards him. Her long skirt trailed around her legs, floating behind her as she called out his name.

Leo leapt from the car, catching her mid step and lifting her off her feet into his arms. The heels clattered to the ground, forgotten as her arms wrapped around his neck. His lips found hers, sinking deeply into the sweetest touch. Her fingers wound in his hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss with a fiery passion, not wanting to let him go.

They finally pulled apart slowly, lingering gently with the softest of touch.

“I changed my mind.” She said softly.

He smiled and kissed her lips again. “I see that.” She smiled back against his lips, her tongue darting out and flicking against his. “Where to,” he asked, holding the woman of his dreams in his arms.

Kahlan pulled back slightly, her eyes searching his for anything that might hint anything but the love he felt in his heart.

“What?” He asked; worry furrowing his brow that she might have changed her mind again.

“I’ve been afraid for such a long time. But I’ve never in my life before wanted something as much as I do right now.” Her hand slipped under the edge of his suit and rested against his chest, just shy of his heart.

“Stop,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers, “the love you feel today is not just yours. It’s mine too. You have my heart and it’s yours to do what you will, know that doll face. If nothing else, at least know that…”

He felt her body relax against his, “I love you.” Her words trailed off into the night, spoken for the first time.

“I love you too, kid.” His lips pressed against hers as they cast off into the night.

Alone - Glee Cast 
(Cara about Leo)

You don't know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
And my love for you is still unknown

All Over You - The Spill Canvas 
(Leo to Kahlan)

Yeah, he's a looker,
But I really think it's guts that matter most
I displayed them for you
Strewn out about from coast to coast

Distant Dreamer - Duffy 

Although you think I cope
My head is filled with hope
Of some place other than here
Although you think I smile
Inside and all the while
I'm wondering about my destiny

So Beautiful - Pete Murray 
(Leo about Kahlan)

Now the scene that you're in,
And the people that you been with
Just get to me,
But you think I'm not as cool,
As you are so beautiful
Well who you fooling?

My Way - Frank Sinatra 

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.

In The Mood - Glen Miller 
(Kahlan about Leo)

First I held him lightly and we started to dance
Then I held him tightly what a dreamy romance
And I said "Hey, baby, it's a quarter to three
It's a mess of moonlight, won't-cha share it with me"

Theseus - Patrick Wolf 
(Leo to Kahlan)

What lies beneath the door?
What keeps you?
Do you take the chance to defeat the source?
The gates are opening
The choice
The future
The future is yours!

What Gets In The Way - Sharon Little 
(Cara about Leo)

We used to love like lovers do
We used to talk like lovers do
But something's changed - changed
what gets in the way

Always Where I Need To Be - The Kooks 
(Leo about Kahlan)

I'm a man, I'm a man on the scene,
I'm a man, and I can be so obscene
Because I always think that I know how to be,
But I always thought that I would end up with you, eventually

I Will - Mozella 
(Kahlan to Leo)

Wait while I see
if this is something I can do
if this is something I can be
cos' I have never tried
to show you who I really am

Existentialism on Prom Night - Straylight Run

Sing me anything,
we're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us

Secret - Maroon 5 

Watch the sunrise
Say your goodbyes
Off we go
Some conversation
No contemplation
Hit the road


tv: legend of the seeker, &sourpony, fanmix: legend of the seeker

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