Aug 26, 2009 14:01
1. No, I will not tell you what is on the exam, so don't ask - it's annoying.
2. When you write an answer to an exam question, your answer should never include textspeak. If I wanted you to write the answer that way I would have texted you the question.
3. If you're going to refer to specific countries, please get their histories correct. Don't tell me that country X had a massive civil war between two different parties unless you're certain it did; it's just annoying.
3. Just because Rush Limbaugh hates Obama does not make socialism the opposite of democracy. Also, Obama is not a socialist.
4. If you don't attend class regularly, don't expect to get a high participation grade. I appreciate that you spoke when you bothered to come to class, but I'm not giving you a good participation grade in comparison with the student who came to - and spoke in - every single class all quarter long.
5. Don't ask me to calculate your grades for you. You're a big kid - you have all the numbers in front of you and you have the syllabus with the weighting. Pull out your calculator and do your own math.
6. If you think you have a problem with an assignment (like, say, turning in a term paper without a bibliography) do not wait four days past the deadline to talk to me. I will not be receptive at that point. I expect you to act like an adult, which means taking responsibility for ensuring I receive emails and so forth.
Ok, I think the venting is over. Finals week is always such fun.