076: lol new livejournal get that shit out of here

May 17, 2014 07:33

It's been a while; what has happened since Oct.?

A lot of sad shit, super super sad shit.

In December, a few days before New Years, my sister lost her baby. I'm fucking broken up over it because I'm feeling so hard for my sister right now. I can't even perceive what she's going through and all I can do is be there for her. She's a little better each day but I know it still hurts; will hurt for the rest of her life. She doesn't deserve this, man.

Then, a little over a month ago, my mom had to start dialysis, because diabetes II got to her kidneys. They are still functional but no where near able to work on their own. I know she feels a lot of guilt for letting her disease go this far unchecked but I told her she was really too busy these past couple of years, being a good hard working single mother without dad in the picture. Now it's time for her to take care of herself.

But on the other side of things, still studying for my pharmacy technician exam. Obviously dropped off there for a while because I was busy being super sad, but I'm still in it. It's a ton of information to memorize, but at least I find it interesting, so that's making it easier.

Also, I am on the radio! If you are in the Atlanta area on Thursdays at 6pm, you should totally tune it to 91.1FM

I'm DJ Pookie (just listen out for the weird girl going off on tangents, that's me haha)


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