Yet another day

Dec 02, 2004 11:58

My roommate has not been to the room in a few days.  I almost started worring about her last night and then I figured she was out smoking her face off with her friends from home.  I don't really care anymore.  Carol, the lady that works for Capus Housing sent me a letter that asked if I was still interested in moving out and into the other dorm hall.  I had to think about it for a while.  Because even though I hate Freddy with a passion, I have come to love my neighbors and other people in the building that I'm sure I'll miss.  And I know that as soon as I move out I won't see them as much as I do now.  I don't know what to do.

Had a nervous break down and thought that my mom got into a huge car accident.  I cried for a good long time until I got a call from her that said she was alright and that I should stop having emotional breakdowns.  Ellen leaves for Australia tomorrow sometime.  I don't plan on going to Poughkeepsie this weekend for Dad's birthday because I have a lot of homework to catch up on.

I have made a plan to stop killing myself.  By the end of next semester I plan to quit smoking.  I really need to do it for my family.  My mom just found out that my only living grandfather has enphazima.  Which is what my fathers dad died of.  I just want to know that when I'm 60 I can climb up and down stairs with out having to cough up lungs and have my circulation be so bad that I lose feeling in my fingers in the summer.

In other news, I am still trying to finish reading Emma, by Jane Austin.  It's not the best book I've ever read but at this point I'm so pissed at most of the characters that I just want to read to the end of the book so that something can happen to Emma.  I really want her to fall down a flight of stairs of something.  That's just me though.

I have to fly this afternoon for the first time in two weeks.  I had been seriously sick before thanksgiving break and then after wards it rained piss out of a boot here.

Hope everyone is well and I'll see you all very soon.  AND I DO HAVE A FINALLY on the 22nd of December.  Funny how that works.  This means I won't even see my own bed until the sunday after Christmas.

Bye all.

flying is always fun. is love brought to you by the isLove Generator

The following pictures are for inspiration only...hahahaha

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