This past week was amazing. On Monday through Friday I was at ski camp with Lori. I am still very sore from sunburns and tubing. Thursday was my seventeenth bithday. Yesterday I went to Harry Potter. In my opinion it was worse than the third one, a big insult. there were very few things that I liked about it. It is my favorite book and I was thoroughly disappointed.
My thoughts are exactly WTF? They cut out so much. I tried so hard to not compare it to the book but it was too hard. What was with the dementors changing in look?The trial was screwed up, what the hell was with Lupin not being there to pick up harry, and them cutting out everything about grimwald place. i hated how they screwed up the order of the book too. Cho did not tell on them, what was that? What happened to Dobby? What happened to the whole Harry talking to Lupin and Sirius through the floo powder? Quidditch, oh my freaking God Quidditch. i was looking so forward to the department of mysteries and they totally cut it pretty much out. Sirius was stupified not avada kedavered. What about the whole Hagrid and the giants they just breezed over that and umbridge bringing members of the ministry to take Hagrid away. if they had followed the O.W.L.S. like they should've it wouldn't have been screwed up. there's so much more that I just couldn't take. i really just didn't like it.
The things i liked were the sentimental scenes between Sirius and Harry, Umbridge, luna, finally Ron and Hermione allusions, and they put my favorite line in, "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." so those are my thoughts that i can remember at the moment.
That evening my ucle took me to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrals which was histerical. It reminded me of On the Razzle for those who have seen it. The same sort of humor. The show was fabulous and all around good fun.