Stolen from Michelle's LJ...

Mar 31, 2005 22:24

Randomness YO

1 Is your name Sally? No, but it makes me think of When Harry Met Sally, awesome movie.
2 thought so.....Do you like grapes? green & seedless ones.
3 How about cheese? on certain things.
4 Do you like Paris Hilton?  No, she's stupid.
5 Do you think she is a stupid little whore?  maybe yes?
6 I think your a stupid little whore.  Shuddup.
7 I'm just kidding. I love you, will you marry me?  Heck no.                                                                                                                   8 OH damn. Thats ok. Well, who do you want to marry?  a guy.
9 Do they have a sexy ass?  do I ever pay attention?
10 Do people stare at your ass?  I hope not.
11 What do you do if people stare at your ass? Would I notice? I'm totally oblivious to those sorta things (nmc..)
12 Are you democrat or republican or something else?  neither. all depends on the person.
13 What do you think of Mr. Prez?  don't care for him at all.
14 Do you think petunias are sexy?  it's a freaking flower
15 Do you like Ramen noodles?  omgosh yes!
16 With lots of broth or very little?  very little
17 Do U tYpE lYk DiS???  no, headache inducing.
18 Well, I don't. Does that change your opinion on me?  but of course.
19 What do you want to be when you grow up?  unsure. but safe & healthy.
20 Do you want to be a flower?  only if it's a pretty one :)
21 A doctor?  perhapses
22 A firefighter?  sorry to my cousin, but no.
23 Are you a dog or cat person?  doggies all the way!
24 Do you have a dog?  yuppers
25 If "yes" or "its invisible" does it sniff other peoples butts?  not other peoples'
26 If "no" do you want to have a dog? --------
27 If "yes" then you can have an invisible one and name it Sparky. ---------
28 Would you ever name your dog Sparky?  No.
Same with me. 
~~True Or False~~
I am a democrat: false 
I am a republican: more false than previous question.
Emo music can die and go to hell.  don't listen to either. so neither.
I love emo music: false
I love you: false 
I love my bf/gf: *chirp*croak*silence*crickets*
I have a bf/gf: true
I prefer Baby Phat over Hottopic: uh, what? 
I think goth people are scary: they can be
I think goth people rule the world: false 
I hate labels: false
I think Snoop Dogg is sexy. ew no way! totally false.
I don't know who Snoop Dogg is. false
I love wearing mismatched socks: false
This Or That (rule: you can only do one "neither" and one "both")
milk/water: water 
rap/rock: rock 
emo/screamo: emo, lets forget the screamo
chocolate milk/soda: soda
marshmallows/chocolate: chocolate 
Bush/Kerry: Kerry 
Fishfood/dogfood: dogfood 
Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie: What's the difference? 
Smart/Sexy: both 
Abusive husband or wife /ugly husband or wife: neither 
birds/bees: birds with no mess.
Adidas/Nike: nike
Vans/Emerica: Vans 
P Diddy/Yo momma: who
Mom/Dad: another both 
Jay Z/ 50 cent: don't know the difference
50 cent/Ja Rule: ditto
ICP/ Eminem: ditto 
National Geographic/Time magazine: Time
1000 porno mags/1000 dollars: $1000
10 kittys/10 puppys: 10 puppies
10 litter boxes to clean/10 puddles of piddle to clean?: piddle
AIM/YAHOO Instant messenger: AIM 
msn/icq: MSN 
Lord Of The Rings/ Lord of the flys: Lord of the Rings
Lord Voldemort/Lord Yo Momma: Lord Voldemort 
Stupid and cute puppy/Smart but ugly puppy: smart but ugly puppy.....puppies aren't ugly.  < I agree
Naughty/Nice: Nice
Santa/Easter Bunny: Santa brings better stuff lol
Easter bunny rape you/you rape easter bunny: how nasty
Did you/Have you......
Followed my instructions? no
Had a bf/gf?  yes
Kissed someone?  yes
Madeout with someone?  erm...
Kicked a guy in the nuts?  no
Wanted so badly to be popular? maybe a while ago.
Wanted to be younger?  yeah, have had those moments.
Wanted to be older?  have had those moments, too.
Get a sex change?  wrong.
Want a sex change? again, wrong.
Have a crush on Orlando Bloom? yes
Chad Michael Murray? omgosh yes, we were talking about him in spanish today.
Paris Hilton?  ugly blonde
A rich bitch.  stupid
If you said yes to paris hilton then the answer should be yes above. 
Good Bye
Say good bye in all the languages you know!! bye, adios, aloha, au revoir

*y0ur bEsT fRiEnd*
 Who is your best friend? Nicolopatra
Why are they your bff?  b/c she's so awesome & we get eachother
Do you trust them?  yup yup yup
Have you guys ever been in a big fight?  uhdoes that one time where we didn't talk for a while count?
Are you their best friend?  I hope so?
Is you bff's family like your 2nd family?  I guess so.. maybe?
Do you two go to the same school?  we surely do
Have any classes together?  history w/ V
Do they play an instrument?  she used to
If so, what?  french horn
Do you two have sleepovers a lot?  i wish she could come over. i love you. eventually you will.
Have you ever gone on vacation with their family?  yes
Do you think you will be best friends forever?  i want to be
Can you walk to your bff's house? it's possible. i wouldn't do it unless i had time tho. wouldn't wanna rush lol                                       how well do you know your bff? well?
their fav number?  not sure.
color? eek nicole.
radio station? that station that's on in her car that we sing to.. oldies music that rocks!                                                                     sport?  sport? well, at the Y it's basketball over volleyball... lol
thing to do?  sing along w/ the radio (hahaha jk)
book?  um... idk but she just finished The Godfather
computer game? a computer game? hm....                                                                                                                                        would they pick watching tv or reading a book?  this is really proving a point.
being in school or at home?  at home
swimming or running?  running
writing or drawing?  ...
singing or listening to others sing?  singing in the car! YESSSS!
*your bff's love life*
are they taken?  yes
if so, by who?  that kid alan
do you like this person?  sure
are they sexy?  not going there
*the tW0 of U*
how long have you known each other?  since 8th grade
would they be filling out this survey about you? idk, will she?
are you two glad this is finally over?? i know im glad hehe
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