
Blazing Through 20 Years...

Nov 14, 2016 20:29

They are playing "nice" now. And on January 21st they are going to toss out the filibuster and push 20 years of the most insane bullshit through so fast we won't even know what to put on our newly illegal protest signs. New "dissent" laws. New police powers... You name it. And they'll finally put the ridiculous laws they already have into place... Private prisons, $500 a day. A return to debtor's prisons. Debt peonage. People dying of preventable diseases. New "emergency powers." This is whether or not Trump approves. He will have to sign everything they say, or they'll impeach him and Pence will be their rubber stamp. Who knows what they have in the queue? They probably don't even know. Passed and signed, passed and signed, passed and signed. Goodbye ACA. Goodby Roe v. Wade. Goodbye EPA. Goodbye Medicare. Goodbye Social Security. The whole country is an open air prison now.
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