Dec 13, 2006 12:56
so i've been sucking at writing entries lately. i've just been super busy.. but life's definitely on a pretty good streak for now and i enjoy that. there are SO many good tours coming sround here and i couldn't be more excited. all i have to say is february 2007-march 2007 might be the best time everrr in my entire life. it's almost guaranteed, and everything i'm talking about, will be spent with some of the best friends i could ever ask for.
i pretty much suck at relationships. i've kinda just given up. i mean it doesn't really bother me right now that i don't have anyone because i have so much other stuff going on in my life. don't get me wrong it would be nice, but for now, it's okay. with friendships too i've gotten better. i can tell what is real and what isn't, and who's worth keeping around. i'm pretty sure i've got that down. we'll see how long my theories hold true. [but i love cal, leah, emily, pookie, brian, andrea, dree, jessaboo, jarod, mike, matty, molly, lee, lindsay, liz, molli and lauren.. and i know i can count on them. i love that i have so many good wonderful friends in my life, not to mention my family.]
religion too has always got me. i've never been good at saying how i feel, or expressing anything really, except for to close friends of course, but pretty much everyone knows where i stand. i'm getting better at feeling comfortable with it too, and i love that.
the holidays are just full of love really.