Oct 13, 2004 17:53
Hi everyone.
It's been a while. I miss you! I've just read through all of your livejournals in attempts to catch up with you... and I still feel incomplete. I made a new livejournal and wasn't going to add anyone to it, especially my Minnesota friends because I wanted to keep in touch with you over other means than the internet. But it's so so hard. Life has been so complicated and stressful lately. I see through reading your journals that I am among many who have similar feelings. I want you all to add my new livejournal. To get to it it is "www.livejournal.com/users/effthisimout" I miss you. And I care about all of you a lot I hope you add me!
I would rather have you all in my life through the internet than not at all.
and if you want to my number is 520-205-0316...
I keep my phone by me all the time and I always call back. Call me if you want/need to. I'm always here for you even if I'm thousands of miles away.