
Mar 14, 2006 15:19

Today is my 4 month with Merranda. Feels like much longer cause of how we act. I love her so much, and so much happier that im with her now. hehe, i still wish she would of said it a long time ago when she had the chance cause it would be around 8 months instead of 4. But none the less i love her to death. Most likly going to see her tonight, dunno what we are doing but yeah thats about it. =) Could'nt be happier <3 <3 <3 <3 Can't wait to see you tonight baby. *HugKissCuddleSnuggle* =D

On another note i have to get a haircut. I dont really care about the haircut but just that it was sprung on me about 30 minuites before I had to go get it.... I hate unplanned events. For some reason I got really really mad about that. Like that gut anger that wants to hit stuff. Havent had that in a while, I seem to get more angry over little things like that then what people do. More often I just get depressed than frustrated. Now that I think about it I was really pissed off at that quiz in physics today. It was a vocab quiz, like I read over the stuff the night before and reviewed the class before for like 10 minutes and knew the stuff but when i got the quiz i forgot everything. And I wanted to like... i dont even know but i just get this feeling that goes up both of my arms and its like omg crazy. woahz... dont think ive ever been that angry with a person before just stupid things. Like one time i hated my door cause it stubbed my toe. I hate door. Anyway, time to go.

<3 Merranda <3
4 months - 91 days - 2,184 hours - 131,040 minutes - 7,862,400 seconds
So weve been dating for 4 Months 0 days 15 hours 11 munutes and 14 seconds to the second I wrote this
=) Just felt like writing that. And its only gonna keep going up! =) I love you so much Merranda Dawn(beautiful middle name) Lackey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! times infinity
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