Feb 15, 2008 13:30
Most of you know how I feel about the fated 14th of February in all its pink, glittery, over-priced glory. Most Valentines Days, be they with a significant other, or not, have had me bemoaning a frustration with people's inability to appriciate and love one another the other 364 days of the year when flowers and chocolate are not inflated by 200%. This may make me sound bitter or typical, but honestly I have never liked it, even when I was a kid- I found it stressful to hand address and deliver valentines to half a class full of kids I didn't like, several friends who could care less and a few torturous crushes that filled me with agonizing defeat. I don't like chocolate, conversation hearts or red-hot cinamon hearts, so even the child-like joy one gets out of eating confections was robbed of me on this bland day.
This, however, was the first year in my current recollection, that I had a really FUN time on Valentine's day. The day was normal with the normal amount of work and the normal characters- the fact that I work in private in my own little office drastically improves my ability to avoid people dressed in ugly pink sweaters carrying ugly overpriced flowers with glitter stuck to them to their offices to oggle over them in front of their clearly bored co-workers.
So I made it through the day in peace and arrived home to straighten up the kitchen and prepare dinner for Jacob and I. I made a lovely stir-fry of peppers, summer squash, and chicken which we enjoyed with some sparkling cranberry juice and then prepared to go out- donning our holiday best of ratty jeans and mankey hoodies covered by peacoats, the two of us looked like the Boon Dock Saints. So we took a little bus ride out to Ram Rod (no, I'm serious) and went to Machine (The bar bellow Ram Rod) and there was a stage set up with a colorful and elaborate display. We were then treated by the most entertaining 90 minutes of theatre I have seen in Boston in the last 5 years. We watched Medea in Drag. It was so campy and rediculous that there were points when I could not catch my breath. I mean these people were too funny and the little gags they threw in were AMAZING. i can't say enough about the production, it was so awesomely bad that it would be a shame for anyone to miss it! It was so freaking fun.
After the show, Jacob took me out to a romantic post-show snack at the McDonalds on the corner. We shared a meal in the grimeyest "boat house themed" mcDs I have ever been in. I can only imagine their usual clientelle. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.
When I got home there was a fantastic episode of LOST waiting for me starring my favorite Middle Easterner. Oh he is so pretty! And with no clothes on! Oy. I love me some Sayid. It was the perfect end to a really fun evening.
I hope those of you that are less jaded than I had a romantic, colorful, memorable evening. February is more than half over- aren't you pumped? Spring's on the way!!