(no subject)

Oct 08, 2003 13:20

Title: Promises
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley
Rating: PG
Description: A very vague, angsty fic. From Pansy's POV.

Disclaimer: They're not mine, I just steal them and put them through hell.


She was ginger and giggles and stolen moments in empty classrooms, moodswings and temper tantrums, second-hand robes and messy hair.

Your friendship was furtive glances at breakfast and cuddles and kisses and frantic 'I love you's behind the Herbology greenhouses.

It was secrets and promises whispered in the dark, promises you never kept in the light of day. And then it was babbled 'I'm sorry's and talk of when you could stop hiding the truth.

You were full of harsh laughter and cruel jokes and 'I have to keep up appearances.. This is the way it has to be, no one can ever know's, and then you became gasps and moans and muddled thoughts about wanting to show the world that you loved her and that, amazingly, she loved you too.

She was the picture of innocence... No, she was innocence, even at moments that weren't innocent at all, that were anything but innocent. That was part of why you loved her and part of why you were scared for anyone to know it.

Your friendship was scandalous and strange and so very wrong, and oh so very right at once. It was wonderful and fleeting and finally ended when she got tired of your broken promises and intent on 'keeping up appearances'.

And then it was tears and unhappiness and lonely nights sitting up in the Slytherin Common Room, and wishes for her to come back and give you a second chance. It was Draco asking you what was wrong in his normal detached, 'I don't really give a fuck' way, and you telling him to leave you alone and find some Gryffindor to torment.

It was watching her listlessly go to classes, eyes puffy from crying herself to sleep. And wanting to apologise for hurting her, wanting to make it better and promise that if you had another chance that you wouldn't hide it anymore. Wanting to keep that promise.

It was hurt and sadness and bitter thoughts and jealousy when she talked to other girls.

And then, suddenly... It wasn't.

It was all vague, sweet memories, fond smiles she never saw, until, months later, you bumped into her in the corridor. You helped her picked up her Charms textbooks, and for a moment you stared at one another, and it was like it used to be.

Ginger and giggles and stolen moments.

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