Monday monday...

Sep 01, 2008 09:11

At the moment I am staying at my parents' place because they are moving my sister to Paris and someone has to keep an eye on the twins and the pets ;)

Yep, my little sister is moving out of the country to study French in Paris! Just about now she will be picking up the keys to her studio appartment, ready to unpack several boxes of stuff (mostly, from what I've seen, books and clothes). If you're interested in reading more about her year in Paris, she's blogging about it at Petite Néerlandaise / Le Fabuleux Destin.... Currently only in Dutch!

Which reminds me, it's about time I opened up a Skype account...

Anyway, back to the start of my day. I got to sleep in and woke up around 6:45 (normally my alarm wakes me up around 5:30) then had to wake my brothers and take a shower. For breakfast I used up some stale bread and made wentelteefjes (French toast, how appropriate). I got them off to school around 8:00 and then got into the kitchen to tidy up, empty the dishwasher and feed the cats.

Talking about pets, I found a rather remarkable little master in the living room a while ago. My parents live in a rural environment and close to water but still, the cats usually scare most of the small wildlife away. Not so much for this guy (or girl, I couldn't really tell).

I'm not sure if this is a Common toad or a Midwife toad. I didn't really keep it around long enough to properly check (I really wanted to get the little guy away from our cats who, if curious enough, will try to eat anything).

Anyway, later today I'll try to get some of my holiday pictures online. First I have to plan out dinner and get a load of laundry started!



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