Title: springs in my wings
Pairing: Castiel/Jo
Warnings: Dean/Jo mention -- blink and you'll miss it.
Rating: PG if you stretch it
Notes: Originally made as a gift for
scorpiod1 in
Summary: So, hold this feeling like a newborn: freedom surging through your veins.
Steer by Missy Higgins
It was always simple, not hidden hard
Beg Your Pardon by Josh Pyke
Around you I forget behavior
Two Hands by Jars of Clay
I’ve been splitting hairs and blurring lines
Gravity by John Mayer
It’s wanting more that’s gonna send me to my knees
Modern Mystery by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
I’m so glad I don’t hear you say no
Drop Out - The So Unknown by Jack’s Mannequin
I will give you this confession
JackInABox by Turin Brakes
This is a nice mess, I don’t feel so lonely
I Am Not A Robot by Marina & The Diamonds
I’m vulnerable, I am not a robot
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