Apr 06, 2006 22:38
So, you ask, why are you not out partying right now? Well, because I felt sick and left early. But not nauseous, too-much-to-drink kind of sick. Stomach ache kind of sick. I can't figure it out. I haven't eaten anything that would give me food poisoning, or any soy which sometimes reacts this way with me. The only thing I can think of is that I broke Lent last night, and today. Well, I didn't entirely break it. I ate white bread (baguette) last night, brown bread (organic!) toasted with breakfast, and spelt bread at lunch. I don't know if the spelt bread had sugar in it or not, since it was from Wild Oat. Anyway, bread was one of those areas that I was willing to reneg on if it became to difficult. And basically it goes like this: if I have guests or I'm by myself, even if we're/I'm eating out, I can make sure what I eat has no sugar in it. But if I'm staying at someone else's house, it's very hard, unless I don't eat any carbs at all, which also isn't healthy. So I gave in. And I'm thinking, maybe that's it? Doesn't seem likely though. I mean, white sugar can't be that hard for the body to process, right?
Also I'm really really tired.
out with friends,