
Feb 04, 2006 03:04

Or what ever. Yes! That was awesome! That was fun! That was so great! OK Go and Controller Controller! Whee! I'm all danced out for now. Well, I'm sure I could dance more, but my body might hold a sit in in protest. I liked OK Go better on CD, because I found in concert (possibly because of ear plugs) I couldn't hear the guitar or make out the words very well, over the bass and drums. The leader singer (Damien) and the bassist (Andy, he's new) are the best looking, sexy and cute respectively. My t-shirt didn't get finished on time, but I'm just finishing it now. I'll post pictures in a bit. Hannele's came out beautifully, and Jessica's is quite cute and witty.

Controller Controller were awesome to rock out to. My only criticism is that everything always seems to be in the same chord. Not song to song, necessarily, but within the songs. Maybe that's just what the concert sound was like though. They were awesome to dance to though. The kind of dancing where you forget about thinking about moving.

I didn't end up running into anardana though. Oh well.

So, to finish the shirt! I can't decide whether to write lyrics on the back or not, and if I do, I'll have to either buy a white sharpie or find an exacto knife. Or maybe a paintbrush would be easier. All I know is that doing it with an angled piece of card would be highly painful, so I'd prefer not to.

concert, music, clothing, out with friends

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