Happiness quiz

Dec 16, 2004 23:45

I took a happiness quiz, and here are my results. I think a lot of people I know can benefit from this advice, so everyone pay attention! LoL

You're happy enough, but could be more so.

You know the feeling of happiness, but every now and then, fear clutches your heart and ruins the whole thing. Your primitive fear sensors -- the ones left over from the days when life was fraught with rampaging tigers -- are working overtime. Change scares you a little, bad days seem permanent, and you sometimes feel isolated from others. Sometimes your life feels out of control.

"Unhappiness is based on fear, and fear cannot be held in the brain at the same time as love," says Dr. Dan Baker, psychologist and author of What Happy People Know (St. Martin's Press, 2004). His quick fix to start the attitude change: look for something in the moment to appreciate. "See problems as possibilities," he says. Done something great, or even good? Appreciate yourself and pause for a moment of pride.

David Myers, a professor of social psychology at Hope College and one of the nation's foremost research experts on happiness, says, "We can sometimes act ourselves into a frame of mind. Manipulated into a smiling expression, people feel better; when they scowl, the whole world seems to scowl back. So talk as if you feel positive self-esteem, are optimistic, and are outgoing. Going through the motions can trigger the emotions." He also recommends strengthening connections with others, sleep, exercise, an appreciation journal, and membership in a faith community.

If you hate your job, either change it or engage in a hobby that will help you experience "flow." The state of flow -- a sense of un-self-consciousness and serenity -- is caused by pursuing enjoyable and meaningful activities, either on the job or off, from golf to needlepoint, from weeding a garden to organizing your closet. The activities or thoughts that bring on a state of flow are different for each of us. Doing more of those things, though, brings on more joy and a habit of happy living.
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