Sep 01, 2007 15:17
*yawns* work is really boring toady.... I should probably have done my reading, but that would've put me to sleep, so i've been ebaying and devart browsing instead....
the lure of having money is dangerous when online there is so much *stuff* :P
the lure of having money is also about the only reason for working. i will spoil myself and then save and then move out and get more snuggles :P
work was work.... dull boring and painful.
i will not go into my rant again here, poor dad and tim already got it.... lets just say that I had a couple of what i am dubbing "interesting learning experiences" things in in whish everything was wrong and needed much fuss to fix and do. *sigh* people are really stupid. also, the 'incumbent' person who I job share with is bugging me slightly with being disorganised and not explaining some things and just arg generally! ...i have a this disturbing thought that I should maybe not work quite so well/efficiently as I would like/as I am, or I will do myself out of the job :P
But the people are nice, so that is good. we had 2 hours training on thurs so less work. and friday was a rather social day, with lunch at 'the vietnamese' for a leaving person, and then a chocolate party for afternoon tea.....oh god, coffee and 4 different types of chocolate, so very got to chat to people and get to know them and let me get to know me.
So yeah, it will be bearable, i think. its relatively easy, relatively painless and i get paid. and i only have to do it 2 days a week.
*yawns again* i am so very tired, but managed to be social the last two nights. which was good for my feelings, but bad for my health. ah well....
Thursday i got a msg from simon and headed over to pancakes straight from work. I read my giant sherlock holmes compliation (a friend at uni thoght it was a bible :P) and napped till people showed up. it was really lovely to see people!!! has been far to long! so caught up with simon and Charlie, freaked out someone with tales of carnivorous worm fingers and then tickled them, chatted with Mike, listened to music, laughed. was a good time. when everyone else headed off to valley, i called dad and went home.
Friday night i was really tired and poor Tim, who came over to pick me up and have dinner and try make me nap, had to put up with a very teary and illogical and indecisive me before finally bundling me into jeans and a tshirt and heading out. I was right, and the fun of being out and seeing people is totally worth the exhaustion and aching muscles. Soooo many people were out, very few of whom we knew, but still was fun to dance (when able to ignore silly self consciousness) and have sloppy kisses with the boy and hilarious chats with the people we did know. like tesric and paul and *forgets name, sorry!* and always nice fiend hugs and scratching bear's head. and cheese. lots and lots of cheese jokes....don't ask :P... and liam turned up and someone punched tim in the stomach to say hello :D. and there were lots of pretty clothes and corsets for me to sigh over. and then were tired and achey and headed home earlyish.
and then so hard to get up and awake this morning! but i did, and then snuggled my boy into wakefulness :D
might head over to fiend's this evening, depending on general state of acheyness and wakefulness
stuff to do tomoro include a possible trip to the markets and then a fathers day dinner. having a barbie at tim's parents and my dad is coming. yes, we are finally introducing parents to each other, but since its just dad, it should be fine.
Anyway, i need to go start closing now, people need to be chivied out....
till later!