Apr 29, 2007 18:04
...found this on a friendspage a liked... :)
having a quiet evening after a busy week....
last weekend was also busy...work on saturday with computer searches to do and a database to make...then out with tim to see Talulah and Rachy's lovely interesting fashion show. was nice to see arty peoples :) then had to rush off to the valley for Ginny's 21st (which i had mistakenly deleted the msg for and so only found out about that morning thanks to tara). was good to see Nin, kerrie, sarah +, kat + and kelli + and others. everyone was already very drunk, which was amusing :P was able to give a bit of a speech, which felt good and i think went down well. ginny was "fabulous" :P. took our leave from loud drunkeness and spent several hours chatting to Bear outside the club he was bouncing. he had fun breaking my mind, and he and tim spilled the full depths of their manipulation *frowns and giggles*. also saw fiend, so lots of nice chats.
worked on my cloud painting :)
dad in Alice with mum, called for her birthday on sunday, she liked her pressies which is good.
Tuesday was absolutely great fun! i got my passport and went over to tims. got dressed up in my pretty pink floaty dress and we went out for dinner and the theatre!!!! had yummy chinese in west end, mmmm! and then came watching crowds 'smoozing' and Dylan Moran, aka. Bernand from Black Books! omg was it a funny evening!!!! if you know who im talking about then you can imagine it, if you dont then just think of an 1 1/2 hrs of solid laughing at an irate, yet perceptive drunken irishman! *grins*
wednesday was a public holiday so we slept in and rested. went to the new big bottlo behind the regatta and browsed. i ended up treating myself to a bottle of honey vodka and tim started his liquor cabinet :) went over to Perrin's later and played Chex Geek with him and Nicole and got drunkens. then the boys were shooed away to play heroscape while us girls chatted and bitched, was a good evening.
thursday was another sleep in as tim had work changed to an evening shift. we went in to the DFO in the afternoon to look for boots for my anniversary pressie. to do so, tim dragged me past all the cute stores, and by so doing totally quashed my enthusiasm and wish to shop by the time he found the shoe store with boots and then said i could shop :( so i had icecream instead. home to painting and pizza.
Friday was a lazy morning and then an annoying trip to the postoffice to pick up a parcel which turned out to be a second, pointless slip for my passport = me being very annoyed! over to tims to get ready and then over to perrins before going out. chatted to nicolea dn got shown darkisde on second life, then asked her to do my makeup - eeeeeh!!! Yay for lots of Pink! :D i was in a very pink mood, so bright pink top and stripey stocking adn makeup - however also boots of sexy death, which meant my feet hated me all evening adn still do! nicole was persuaded to come out, which was great and chris arrived with friends. drinkies and then out to faith. it was rather quiet, which was sad, but ok as we got to dance :) dancing and chatting and hugs and a nice evening. gave nicole a lift home when i started to fade and then sleep!
the makeup still hadnt all come off by work on saturday, but oh well. a quiet day with reading and solitaire :P i was utterly exhausted afterwards though, appreciated my lift and collapsed at home. i think it is the overhead spotlights that give me such a terrible headache... anyway, layka and perrind called, simulateously, so we ended up going over again :p i needed a nap and had a quiet evening. nicole was playing second life, and ben the housemate was being a bit creepy and annoying. layka and i wore cloaks and played with hats, perrin made yummy pizza, i read my book, we had delicious baskin and robbins icecream and they played heroscape. home late for snuggles.
today was sleepins and a sunbathe and home to wow :)
i didnt mean to write so much :P so i will leave now and get back to wow :P
*hugs and love*
also...i think i finally get sigor ross music! been playing it a lot late at night when i cant sleep...lovely plaintive swishes in the dark.....