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Aug 23, 2025 00:24

so im back in alberta and back at work. i made a little adventure to saskatchewan to see some family. this is my story

we start out in my house in calgary where my mother informs me that along with her myself and my brother my supper annoying cousin randeen is coming. this instantly inceases my stress lvl because she is a super bitch for example the last time i saw her she had invited herslef to my house and cleaned our dishes i said that the kitchen looked great she then told me that she is not a fucking maid and that i should put my dishes away. so i decide that i will leave rather than let this 25 year old 6 year old bother me . the next day we are leaving for regina i get up and mom told me that yesterday she talked to randene saying that the car is full so she will have to put her suit case on her lap, so randene calls back saying that she will jsut take a plane. wow she is THAT prissy oh well better for me.
the 3 of us drive down and mom dropped mike and i off at our dad's house. on saturday we go to sherwood forrest in regina to a big red barn for a catered bbq for the gparents 50th wedding annversary,i get 4 wasp bites and family pics done. randene for the entire weekend asks if i put my dishes away, so at this family function i give her the finger and tell her to go fuck herself. now i know what youa re thinking this could have been handled a better way but she is an idiot and she has always treated me like a kid i dont want or have to take it anymore, so i wont. one of my older cousins said the next day thta she was proud that i finnaly was standing up for myself. ah sweet validation.
some boring shit happens... i get to hang out with donna and joy (i got joy drunk the night b4 the aniversary)i saw a movie with my dad got to play with my nephews. i bought the new terry goodkind book! phantom is mine tehe.
oh one more thing that pissed me off was,, my cousin tyneal was supposed to be there but her fuckin mom left a few hours b4 she got off work so she couldn't go. she didnt wanna wait and when we asked her why she said that t had to pack cuz she is moving in 2 weeks, so she missed the family photo but at least her entire family did (this is randene's mom 2 bitchy peas in a pod)
i guess i learned that every family has someone they dont like and that after you grow up a little you learn that you dont have to take other ppls bul shit just because they are family, if youlove them and they love you back then it is worth the stress they put you through if not i will cut the ties the never bound us together good day douchebag
out of all the ppl i love the most the ones that know me best are the ones i never talk to but still know who i am. joy tyneal donna brad vanessa moo al. the funny thing is that they are not all family but in a way they are. i love thoes of you who never made me feel bad about myself and the stupid things i do
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