Folio Weekly ran a piece on Mr. Dare. It starts off trying to be pro Dare but seems to take a turn for the worse and becomes a bit negative. He has made enemies in the past, and I had heard rumors, so it was interesting to read about his past. I have always been a supporter of his establishments. They were the cool place to be when I was younger. Fusion was interesting and brought something for the younger crowd to Riverside....The Loft was home to many a party and his hunch punch did us in more than a few times! I met cool new people and always had a great time in his presence. He is quite flamboyant and also quite the self promoter but anyone who knows him knows this. I have always enjoyed the conversations I have had with him and always enjoyed the past company he kept. I wonder if he knew the article was going to end up like this or if he thought it would be like the Florida Times Union fluff pieces and make him out to be a genius for bringing ideas and revitalizing areas of town?