It's a--a--plant!! Scream! RUUUUN!!! Aaaaaaaah!

Apr 25, 2007 21:07

I'm not sure how this happened, but today I suddenly found myself to be the (reluctant) owner of a plant.  I think I was so scarred in childhood by the trays of tomato seedlings that COVERED our kitchen counter, sink, and floor all winter long that I've developed a deep "seeded" fear and loathing of indoor plants.  But, despite this fact, when I walked into my office today on "Administrative Professionals" day, what did I see on my desk but a small potted begonia (perhaps a cruel joke since I'm not technically an administrative professional anymore....)  My first thought was to run in terror, but I suppressed this fear and approached my desk with caution.  I peered at it from a distance for a while, poked at it a bit to make sure it wouldn't bite me, and finally came to the conclusion that, well, it was KINDA a cute little thing....  Still trembling a bit, I felt a sudden rush of bravery and told myself, "Tamara, it's time to face your fears."  If so many people can get so much joy out of these frightening, uncontrollable creations, maybe there's something I'm missing.

Well, I managed to carry my begonia all the way home without it dying.  Step one accomplished, I thought, mildly pleased with my success so far.  I felt rather like one of those guys who are terrified of babies look when they suddenly find one thrust into their arms.  "What do I do NOW?  Help!  Alright, what would Grandma do,"  I thought.  Think!  Then it came to me.  Water!  Yes, water!  You're supposed to water these things!  I felt mild panic even at this thought.  How much?  How do I know if I'm drowning it?  But, I suppressed this fear too, and watered it.

I decided it needed a name, so my begonia is now named Ionia.  Ionia the Begonia has a new home atop my bookshelf (as FAR away from the kitchen as I could get it), and we shall see how I do with this new undertaking.  I'm taking wagers for how long it will last in the home of this black-thumbed-one (me).  I hope all you incredibly green-thumbed friends of mine will be proud of me, and perhaps send up a prayer or two for the life of Ionia the Begonia.  I'll keep you updated....

Signing off on Plant Adventure #1,
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