Just thought Id post a newish belly bump pic, seeing as its been 10 weeks since the last one I posted!!! Ignore the pale/no make-up me, everything is such an effort these days, its amazing I even TOOK the photo! I'm feeling so awkward and uncomfie at this stage... nothing seems to fit me anymore and what frustrates me most of all is that I just cant seem to get down and play with William quite like I used to! So the countdown is definately on now, but at least the end is in sight :)
I saw my Obstetrician last week, and he was able to confirm that the baby has finally moved from transverse position (which is laying right across-ways) to 'head down', which is a huuuge relief, as a natural birth just wasnt going to happen otherwise. Bubs still isnt quite engaged though, actually has *its* head to the left - which might explain why i regularly get a little foot poking out on my right side ribs!! Oh and I say *its* because we do in fact know the bubs gender... never intended it to be a secret from the online world, just never got round to announcing it - so I figure, with only a week or so to go - I may as well keep it hush hush now! Its been different knowing what the baby is this time, as we didnt find out with William... not good vs bad, just - different!!
So much has been happening lately... theres so much I could update on, and I will TRY to... but very shortly Rob will be arriving home and we are heading out for dinner - William is being babysat by my sister tonight which is great - so I figured this will probably be our last chance in a long while to go out together as a twosome, so time to make an effort and drag my tubby butt outta here! hehe!