Jan 01, 2007 20:21

Last night was a lot of fun. We went out to dinner, then to a comedy show starting Mike Burbiglia. After that we went to a bar and as it was getting closer to midnight, we walked down to the Space Needle. We watched the fireworks and then hit a couple more bars before going home. I have posted some pics from last night on my myspace. Check it out. My page is private so my students don't see what's on there so just send me a friend's request and I will add you.

Today I pretty much chilled. I ventured to target to get some stuff, did some laundry, and prepared my lessons for work. I don't know if it's because I forgot to take my Yaz pill for two days in a row but I feel a bit down today. When I remembered to take it, I had to take two pills since I missed yesterday. I am hoping that the hormones will help balance out my mood again. When I first began taking it, it was kind of hard on me mentally and emotionally. I thought about switching pills but I decided to give it another week. It seems to be good now. I guess I just have to really stay on top of it so I don't get depressed.

Well I am going to finish cleaning my room. Happy New Year!
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