Jan 03, 2006 16:03
1) List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are
1. This one goes to three of you, even though you don't read this. I've known you for sooooo long, and I've loved every single minute of it. You're my best friends in the whole entire world. Last year, I made the mistake of letting that slip away. I promise that I will never do that again. Thank you so much for staying with me through it. I miss you guys. <333333
2. You, on the other hand. You piss me off soooo much, no matter how much I try to ignore you. You're not even worth me getting upset over, but for some reason, you of all people have the easiest time pushing me right off the edge. I'm assuming you have fun doing it too, because you sure do it enough. Stop complaining. News flash: you have a great life, so stop pretending like everything's so hard for you. News flash #2: you're NOT God. I know that might come as a shock to you, but you're not. get over it. there is always gonna be someone better than you at something, and if you go around to every single person you know, each one has AT LEAST one thing they're better at than you are. I know, wierd, huh? Get used to it. Be nice to people, it's wierd, but if you're nice to people, maybe they'd actually start to like you. go figure. and by all means, STOP giving me those stupid friggen death glares every time you realize that i don't suck. You go from death glares to like "yeah, i'm better" looks. stop being so over competitive. overall, stop being such a jerk, it's not an attractive quality, and it's not gonna get you anywhere in life. oh yeah, and watch out. because i'm gonna do it. i'll work as hard as i need to, and i'll get there. before you know it. start getting used to the idea. in other words: "bring it, bitch." i would say all of this to you, except i'm a nice person, so i don't retaliate when you treat me like shit. be thankful that you picked me to be an ass too. oh yeah. lastly? Thank you. no, honestly. I really wanna thank you, for making me push myself. You make me feel like crap about myself, so it makes me work harder, because i want so bad for you to just accept that i've earned everything i've gotten. every recognition, every opportunity, everything. and i want you and your stupid mother(who you take after, btw) to just get it through your stupid heads that i work hard and i deserve to be where i am, thankyouverymuch. at least you push me to do better, and for that, i really do thank you. dang that was long.
3. Now for a change of pace. I think you're amazing. I look up to you SOOOOO much, and i couldn't do it without you. Thank you for being there. I'm always here for you, just like you're here for me. love you
4. I'm sorry. I hope it will be okay. Thank you. I'm always here for you, whether you want me or not. promise.
5. do your stinking job. you get paid to do it, so you might as well, right? i understand that there's kids that need you more than me, and by all means, give them more attention. they totally deserve it, and there was no sarcasm in that at all. just don't forget i exist. i need you for college, and yeah, you're stuck with me for another 2 years. it sucks, but you'll get over it. try and listen next time, instead of ignoring my questions and writing a whole bunch of crap and hitting the send button, hoping that i'll be satisfied. you screwed me over once, please don't do it again. this is really important to me. it really is, and i'd appreciate just this one little favor. so if you can take time out of your busy schedule to do your job, that would be wonderful. let me know if i gotta do this on my own.
6. I miss you. but not the you you are now, the you you used to be. you've changed sooooo much, and you don't even realize it. we used to be sooooo close and i miss that more than you'd ever understand. i've tried. i really have, and it's up to you now. but i need you to be there. i really do, i need that smiling face that i used to have. and i need that trust that i used to have. i need that hug in the morning. please, PLEASE, listen this time when i tell you. i just want you to be who you were. the amazing person that you were, and still are. i know you're in there. so this is me, begging you, to show me the side of you that i miss.
7. I think that you're absolutely wonderful. i really do, and i have sooo much respect for you. more than you'll ever know. We're soooo lucky to have you, and we don't even show it half of the time, but we really are. you're amazing at what you do, and i can just tell that you love it sooooo much. thank you for reminding me that it is okay to love it that much. thank you for believing in me right from the beginning. i needed that reminder that someone does, because of all the people that think i can't do it. knowing that i'll see you at the end of the day is enough to make me want to stay in school the whole day. seeing your smiling face makes me happy. thank you for pushing us, and thank you for the opportunities you've given me. thank you for all that you do. you are the person i want to be years from now. i don't think you know that, but you are. you're amazing, thank you for just....being you.
8. i think you're great. i really do. you're good at making me smile, and i need that a lot of the times. thank you for being there, to listen. thanks for being such a great friend, and i agree, that is one of the best christmas presents i could have gotten. i'm sorry that it took something sucky to bring us closer, but i'm glad it has, because you're a great person to have as a friend. i'm sorry for what i did to you last fall, i really am. and i've wanted to say that to you since november 20th, 2004. as in last year. i hope you've forgiven me, because i haven't forgiven myself for that. and i never thanked you for november 20th either, so thank you soo much for that. it was a great time, it really was. i had a blast, because you're fun to be around. i think you're awesome, and i hope you know that.
9. hahahahhahaa you're hilarious. you make my life, like literally. i can almost always count on you to say something rediculous that makes me laugh my head off, and it's a relief talking to someone like you. i know you're not the most sentimental of beasts, lol, but i really do want you to know that i think you're amazing, and one of the coolest people i know. i'm lucky to have you as a friend, and i love every minute of it. sorry if that creeped you out.
10. i think you're awesome. i really do, but there's some things that need to be said. 1, don't be so closed minded all the time. you can have your opinions, but don't try to force them on everyone else. i'm a big girl, i can decide for myself. and 2, PLEASE, if you care about me at all, stop making fun of me because i play flute. that, more than anything else, is what i love to do. almost nothing makes me happier, and i don't understand why you have such a problem with that. that's my nitch. just because i've found it in a different place than you found yours doesn't make mine wrong. just realize that, and know that that doesn't make me a loser. that just means that i've found what makes me happy. fanks.
i need a number 11.
11. thank you for everything you've done for me. i still miss seeing your face every day. you were the first person that showed me that it was okay to love what you do. to really love it, and you were the first to plant these ideas for my future into my head. thank you for showing me that happiness is worth more ANY day than money will ever be. Thank you for showing me that I can make it. Thank you for pushing me to be my full potential. i used to get upset when you'd tell me i wasn't doing it well enough, i really did, because i'd look around and se soooo many people who i was doing better than, and wonder why you picked me to pick on to tell me that i needed to work harder. i'd get upset, because i value your opinion more than you'd ever know. but i realize now that you were only ever pushing me to do well by MY standards. comparing me to me. to nobody else. you wanted me to go to my full potential, and i'm sorry that i didn't see that then. thank you for that, for seeing that i did have potential. i want you to know that last year in english, we had to write an essay about someone we admired, someone we considered a role model. choosing to write about you was soooo easy, and writing the paper was even easier. there are so many things i admire about you, you couldn't even begin to imagine. if i do nothing else in life, i want to have the same influence and affect on just one little girl that you had on me. that would be enough, it really would, because what you've done for me is incredible. you've done for me what #7 did for you, and possibly more. i can't thank you enough. you're necklace is my good luck charm, i wear it every time i need you there to push me to my potential, just like you've always done. thank you.