I still think it's easier to choose an Aspect than a Class. If the game let you choose, I mean.

Sep 12, 2012 00:42

Why are terrible things happening to everyone in my life? I would say that at least nobody's dead, but I would rather not tempt fate. Luckily(?), my friend's medical problems are still the worst of the lot. She's been released from the hospital, by the way, but still isn't out of the woods. Everybody please remember to take care of yourselves! Go to the doctor and pay attention to your health! It turns out that all those measurements they like to take actually mean things and aren't just for the amusement of left-brained weirdos like me who enjoy tracking numbers.

Speaking of tracking numbers, lately I have been distracting myself with my new fandom: the Homestuck game Kickstarter. It is almost as addictive as Homestuck. I have it up in the background right now; I am looking at it as I type this. It's currently at 11,620 and 1,113,128. Someone pledged or upped their pledge to $5,000 around the time the comic updated tonight, and I like to think it was someone who had a strong opinion on the ship involved - the question is, what is that opinion?

I myself originally pledged $25 back on the 4th, I think when it hadn't even reached 100K yet. I upped it to $105 the next day. $25 was a no-brainer, like, it's not like I wasn't going to buy both the game and soundtrack sight unseen/sound unheard anyway. I'm not even listening to the albums before I buy them anymore. They're just another staple of my entertainment budget: MPR membership, book club books, and Homestuck albums. But then I got to thinking about how much the comic has been worth to me, and honestly I'm not sure I can put a price on it. Still, I've got lots of expenses, so I managed to talk myself out of the $255 tiers and just stick to the MSPA Funpak. Not that I'm unsatisfied with the MSPA Funpak! Oh my gosh, I have had nonsensical amounts of fun thinking about which god tier shirt I'm going to get. My top three candidates are Light, Time, and Mind. Those are the three I feel I relate to most on a semantic level (Space too, somewhat, but I have way too many black t-shirts as it is), but then I'm not all that fond of the Mind color combination and think I would have a hard time matching it with my other clothes. Light is by far the most aesthetically pleasing, but Time is also nice and would be the easiest to integrate into my wardrobe, plus I'm not sure I can pass up the prospect of being able to look in the mirror and imagine that I can time travel at will. So I'm leaning toward Time, but Light is a close second.

I was oddly excited about reaching the EFIGS goal. Like, to a much greater extent than I can logically justify. I know that this will allow the game to be accessible to more people, and allow many current fans to have some Homestuck-verse canon in their native languages, and give me a chance to practice my German, and that just existing in multiple languages will make it a stronger product, and all of those are great reasons to be excited...but somehow it meant even more to me than that. And I'm not sure why.

Look at me, going on and on about my new fandom.
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