
Sep 14, 2006 16:31

Guess what? I got the job at Borders. I had my second interview this afternoon and it lasted over an hour. It was weird, because he didn't offer me the job until the end but was showing me a bunch f stuff that implies you're going to get it. They said that they still had to check out my references which is fine, except for my boss at Chevron normally leaves early on Friday and doesn't seem to keep the most 'regular' of schedules. He's really nice though so don't get me wrong. I really like that my new boss (!!!!) asked what the best times would be to call my references. That's awesome, because if you've ever worked in food, you know that there are a LOT of BAD times to call! It's weird looking at my resume and seeing where I was just 3 years ago, because it wasn't THAT long ago and yet it seems like a lifetime ago. My boss is very careful to say that he hopes this works out because I thanked him for the opportunity which I find kind of weird but good too because then he's not giving anyone false hope about this definitely working out. Does that make sense?

So, I got the job, and guess what? I start TOMORROW!! I work tomorrow, Friday, from 3pm-11:30pm.
Saturday, 1pm-9:30pm, and Sunday 8:30am-5pm. It's mainly going to be training but you have to start something. It's weird to be interviewing let alone learning a new process, especially after being at Chevron and Pearl's for so long. I'm getting 24 hours within the next 2 days, very exciting! The pay is decent too, not as bad as I thought it would be since Cali's minimum wage is lower than Washington's.

I spent this afternoon really thinking about whether or not I should work outside of school. The pros being that I would have an income to pay for utilities, I wouldn't completely drain my savings, I could afford to go home for the holidays, I'd meet new people, job security )hopefully)for the summer, and I would get discounts.

The cons being: I would have to get to a job outside of school only having my bike, less time to study, research, and practice; less time to go home for vacation.

I talked to my mom though and she really helped me think clearly. I also looked at that if I had $0 in November, the stress of having no money would keep me from being able to focus on anything and I would be too stressed out to enjoy life. If I get students and repair instruments for extra income that's great, but until then, at least I have something.

The only con I can think of currently is that my best friend is supposed to visit in a week and a half and I hope I don't have to work the Saturday that she's hear, that would suck and then she shouldn't even come. She's driving from SanFran and getting her Fri nite and leaving Sunday AM. My roommate should be getting here either Fri late or Saturday morning so I hope I can help her move!
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