Feb 24, 2006 15:50
OMG, I really haven't updated in a long time! Unfortunately I dont' really have time to do it now either. I've been SO busy lately, it seems like everything always happens at once. It's also not a myth that everything comes in three's. That's not the only thing that's not a myth.
I went shopping recently so I'm still in a pretty good mood from that. However, the rest of my life has been stressful to say the least. I need to learn to deal with stress better. I'm seriously bad at that game like you don't even know.
I should probably get back in the habit of going to all my classes. Possibly then I'll be slightly less worried about how behind I am in all of them.
My recital is in less than three weeks!! I just realized this today.
just FYI, it's on March 16th at 5:30pm at the SOM recital hall, and I'm sharing it with Jessie Forcucci, also a flute player. Please come! It would make me feel really good if I didn't have an empty audience. I definitely invited all of my flute students from mid-carolina high-school. I wonder if they'll show up, lol.
thanks, gotta finish drying clothes and go to work and then go to the PARTY