Title: Punishment Rating: K Word Count: 226 Summary: Sakura understands why she has to put up with Sai. Warnings: Um, shortness? Author's Notes: Another old one. I seriously need some new ideas.
This is lovely. I especially like the way you touched on what everyone else thinks of Sakura's perseverance re: Sai, and how they choose to deal with their individual analyses (or lack thereof). The whole piece is a beautiful sweet-sad that I think really fits Sakura and her relationships with Sai and Sasuke; a darker side, a grittier side, to be sure.
Naruto, who can make friends with a block of ice if it will stay frozen long enough
Comments 1
Naruto, who can make friends with a block of ice if it will stay frozen long enough
XD, <3
Great drabble!
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