Aug 08, 2005 16:13
There is no break between
yesterday and today
sky and soil
sun and rain
parent and child.
All are a part of the other
like with this computer,
I am connected to these words
and the words to this screen
and this screen to you!
Happy August 8th, all. In the fullness and savagery of the universe, live, love, and die.
65. I don’t believe in a Supreme Being or over-consciousness or nirvana, but I don’t doubt that these things could exist.
66. I think that the most fundamental spiritual feeling is that of belonging and knowing that you have a place in the way of things. I have felt this way exactly once, when I was driving home from work one day in 2004. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to a transcendent experience.
67. I am firmly anti-Cartesian. The universe is way too chaotic and vibrant to be as dead and cold as Descartes said it is.
68. On the flipside of the coin, I try to know as little about theoretical physics as possible. I think the universe is confusing enough without knowing about some of the crazy shit that physicists dig out of the fabric of reality.
69. There are many, many things about this universe we live in that I have no opinion on. Usually the things that I don’t care about are the things that most people find to be of the greatest importance. Is there an afterlife? Don’t care. Is there a God? Doesn’t matter to me. How did the universe begin? Unimportant. I can’t imagine how many brain cells I’ve saved by not caring about these things. Maybe it’s a control mechanism to keep my noggin from overheating.
70. I do not believe in an afterlife. I believe that one day I will die, and that will be it. This idea does not particularly bother me. In fact, I find it very comforting.
71. Still, there is a very primal part of me that hopes that there IS an afterlife, so that my grandmother can be watching me from heaven, proud of me.
72. I believe that the universe is alive. Literally, alive. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about this.
73. I was baptized as an American Baptist when I was 8. I was 16 when I finally found out what being a Christian meant. I was not happy, and I felt that I had been lied to.
74. I reject any notion of a God that would torture someone, anyone, for all eternity. I reject such a God and will have nothing to do with any belief system built around such a horrific deity.
75. I do not believe in a universal morality. “Right” and “wrong” are cultural inventions. However, this does not make them any less binding or real within that culture.
76. I believe that humans are no more special or holy or important than any other form of life - algae or squids or ferrets or eagles or badgers or salmon or sequoias.
77. I believe that love is based much more on familiarity and intimacy than attraction and passion, and that this extends to spirituality.
78. I believe that people who can’t laugh at an unfortunate situation have already been defeated by it. I’m not saying that you don’t cry, but you laugh.