Obi Shmobi

May 26, 2008 00:43


And the hunt for UFO organs continues to take my EXP!  Seven deaths on BRD and 2 deaths on BLM (and ONE more death on BLM after hours with Kumar and Fun) but it was completely worth it!  I got all the organs I need to my shadow gorget and my ice obi except for the UFO thingybobers of course!  Thanks so much to Ovat, Deemo, Fun, Kumar, and Lance for coming and dying and being so delightful all at the same time.  Also, thanks for killing me with such enthusiasm when you were charmed!

Look at them!  They look a little too happy about that am I right?!  Especially Fun is like swinging away like crazy and I appreciate Sug's drain effect on everyone as well lol.

Shadow Gorget:  DONE Phuabo Organ
3/3 Hpemde Organ
7/7 Aern Organ
3/3 Yovra Organ

Hyorin Obi:  DONE! Xzomit Organ 7/7 Phuabo Organ 3/3 Luminian Tissue 3/3

Rairin ObiPurple ChipPhuabo Organ3/7Hpemde Organ1/3Luminian Tissue3/3

black mage, obi, fluteloop, sea, frypan

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