Jan 21, 2006 14:11
I need an update!! I'm over being sick almost thank god! well advanced drama is going well...love all my classes best schedule ever i guess u could say. except my Lit class brit lit is hard for me right now..can't keep up as much o well i know i'll pass. graduate soon wow i can't believe it! I miss my brother soo much he's at GA. tech don't see him until his spring break don't know when that is though can't wait till he comes back home. well he was starting to get sick after i dropped him off with my mom last weekend. Turns out after my grandma stayed with me a tuesday ago she got sick with what i had last week. I felt so bad cuz i didn't mean for her to get so sick..she could have died my mom told me as little as she is. Well anyways not really doing much this weekend. So Read Across America is coming up gotta do 2 book workshops and 2 work shops of other things for key club so ya. I so skipped cobb trees this weekend just couldn't get up. So woke up last night in the middle of the night couldn't sleep much so now i'm kinda tired but went ot bed at like 11ish for once. my parents are startingto get on my nerves now huh....so i have a computer dead line during the week 10:30 and at 11ish on weekends kinda sucks if u ask me! Well grease rehearsals start next week i'm gonna probably go tuesday just so i can figure things out and find out what characters everyone is! its gonna be fun! ok this is long enough peace out! Going to prom with keiron maybe still not sure yet.