Jul 23, 2004 18:27
well, it's been a while, and allthough it will be a short update. my cell phone doesnt like me anymore,it rarely works, allthough for some reason, my internet on my phone seems to work fine. strange stuff.
I have 2 requests actually,if anyone can help me. Remember Michael Osieczonek? i'd REALLY like to get in touch with him again, it has been quite a few years. if anyone knows anything about him or where he might be, give me a comment, i'd really like to know!
And the REALLY FRUSTRATING thing is this damned cell phone stuff. i'm trying to get a custom ringtone on it, and its from sprint pcs. Its a AUDIOVOX 8450SP, and i need to figure out how to download a ringer other than the ones they offer. for example, a classical song that they dont have on the prepaid list. any clues anyone?
See you all later!