Jun 27, 2007 14:13
Today I was eating ice cream in my kitchen - out of the container - and I thought about CANCER. Specifically women cancer(s). So many people have some sort of relative or friend or "know someone who has a friend who" that have been victims of the naughty cells.
Sometimes I just want to punch people who go around saying, "I can't believe people didn't realize 30 years ago that smoking 2 packs a day was bad for you." It's very easy to say that in hindsight with all the research and tests, and just by untrained case observation - heavy smokers dying of lung cancer and emphysema. But there were a lot of things we just didn't KNOW until years of looking for similarities and links and cause & effect.
I can't cite a source for this (unfortunately), but I've heard rumors about a link between hormones in milk somehow increasing the risk for cancer in women. It makes sense on the surface - cows produce milk and so do humans - and with all the weird things they give cows to increase their milk output, that shit is bound to contaminate something. Then consider the emphasis we put on getting enough calcium for women's health. Women drinking a lot of milk may be linked to women getting a lot of cancer. Who knows, this may lead to stricter standards of how much chemicals and hormones are being given to milk cows - BAM! Public health.
Twenty (or even ten) years from now, people might be saying the same thing. "I can't believe people didn't realize 20 years ago that drinking milk with cow hormones was bad for you." But that's how it is. We can't realize anything without our friend Science. So don't make fun of the "hippies" that choose not to drink cow milk - they might outlive you.