The internship is going well, though I'm super tired by the end of the day. I'm supposed to do 225 hours this semester and keep a bi-weekly journal for my professor to review. Sounds fine to me. As long as I don't have to do a final or anything, I'll be happy.
Now if only my other classes could be like this. /sob
In gaming news, I GOT THE ICO
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I really liked Ico and SotC when I first played them, so I'll definitely play the remake when I get a PS3. But right now I'm still playing PS2 games, so it will be a while...
Meanwhile, I was thinking of buying the Ico novel. They have finally translated it into English, and I'm curious to see how a game as minimalistic as Ico could be turned into a novel.
What kinda PS2 games have you been playing?
It's a novelization of the game. I have no idea if it's any good...
Last week I beat Grandia 2. I have a bunch of RPGs I still want to play (Suikoden V, Dark Chronicle, Persona 3 and 4, etc etc), but I haven't decided yet which one I'll play next.
Grandia 2! I remember liking the battle system on that one.
Dark Chronicle is Dark Cloud 2, right? That was kinda fun too. The Persona series are fun but can get a little long, though. G-good luck with getting through all of 'em! :Db
Thanks for the warning :)
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