[Anima] Inquisition Transcribed

Oct 08, 2009 02:23

Here we go:

No other society within the Church deserves to be commented on individually like the Inquisition does. It is a branch of priests created to find and purge heretics. Its mission is that of exterminating warlocks and demons, but for them, any supernatural being represents a demonic entity that deserves death.

The Inquisition has an organization completely different from the Church. It is in the hands of the thirteenth Cardinal, who reports only to the Archbishop himself. This man, who also holds the title of Supreme Inquisitor, has carte blance to commit any action without permission of anyone. The inquisitors are under his charge, even though in general all of them act in a very independant way.

The Inquisitors are in no way normal people. They are "special" orphaned children, picked up by a member of the Church and sent to the Holy city of Albidio. There, completely separated from the outside world, hundreds of little ones are trained day and night withot rest until they become true killing machines. Many are not capable of withstanding this supernatural training and die before reaching their adolescent years. Others do not have sufficient aptitudes to become inquisitors, and they are regulated to become guardian monks of the temple, prohibited from leaving there so as not to reveal any secrets. Finally, only twenty percent of the children are able to complete their training and gain the title of Inquisitor. By the time they leave, they have been converted into fanatics who would give their lives for their ideals.

An Inquisitor can be either sex. To destroy demons, the Vatican does not find a difference among the genders. Each one can act separately or be accompanied by a small number of ecclesiastic guards, chosen by them. When they come face to face with a tru warlock or an authentic supernatural being, they try to destroy it without leaving witnesses who can talk about it. If this happens to be a big population, they use the clergymen of the area to create a convincing alibi, but if it happens in small towns, thjey are capable of burning them along with the inhabitants so as to avoid the chance that forbidden knowledge "contaminates" other innocents. The legend of acts committed by the Inquisition provoke true terror amongst the people.

Depending on the way each wishes to act, Inquisitors can reveal their identity openly or use subterfuge to investigate theircases. Those who are not incognito wear black clothes with markings of the Blood Cross of the Inquisition. For fighting, they are granted Lawgivers, weapons marked with their cross that are capable of destroying supernatural creatures and even stopping spells. There are several thousand active inquisitors in existance across all of Gaia.

(Source: Anima: Beyond Fantasy. pg. 242 - Chapter 19: The Organizations)

And... what makes them very dangerous....

brief description:

Lawgivers are powerful weapons designed to fight supernatural beings.
They usually are black bastard swords, covered with Church's symbols.
They were crafted using blood from supernatural creatures and an alloy of several metals and black steel.
Of the 11 Lawgivers, the location of only 7 is known.

Lawgivers' Powers:

Exceptional quality : Lawgivers are +10 weapons

Supernatural weapon : Lawgivers can affect energy and block immaterial attacks. They are equivalent to weapons with a Presence of 125.

Sacred nature : Lawgivers were blessed by the most devout priests of the Church. They are considered Holy weapons.

The gift of Blood : the blood used to create each Lawgiver gives it distinct abilities. Choose 1 or 2 of the following abilities

- Destructive weapon : If the Lawgiver inflicts damage to a supernatural being, or to a being with supernatural abilities, it created a powerful backlash that can deprive the creature of its abilities. After suffering from the first blow, the creature must pass a Mystical Resistance test (difficulty 100) or temporarily loose its powers.

- Scything : when fighting mystical creatures, the Lawgiver gets a +20 to its roll s to determine the Critical Level

- Supernatural perception : each time the Lawgiver is close to a mystical creature it slightly vibrates, as if impatient to taste its blood. This power doesn't work when magical means are used to obfuscate the creature's mystical presence.

- Supernatural resistance : the Lawgiver's owner gets a +15 to his Mystical Resistance tests as long as he is wielding it

- Burning Blood : if bathed in the blood of a supernatural creature, the Lawgivers starts to burn slightly, emitting a weak blue light. From this moment on, the weapon gets a fire-based elemental attack and can use HEAT as a secondary damage Mode. This effect lasts only a few minutes, until all the blood has been consumed.

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