I tried to take pictures of the dog today, but my camera just threw itself a little hissy fit and the memory card appears to be entertaining suicidal thoughts. I don't know how to talk it down. :(
Winter reinstated itself today, though! It's been ridiculously springy for the last 2-3 weeks, sunny and warm, but I looked out the window late this morning and there was a BLIZZARD going on. It only snowed an inch or less, but it looks like winter again now. I knew it wasn't really spring yet. This IS Montana, even if Missoula's one of the tamer towns around.
I was flipping channels this morning and they were having a mini Dark Angel marathon on the Sci-Fi channel. I didn't know Rainn Wilson had guest-starred!
His legs blow my mind. He is so LONG.
My mom is going down to Florida to see my sister this weekend and I'm jeaaalous. Her husband's being relocated for his job at the end of the spring/early summer probably, and I want them to MOVE CLOSER.