Jul 20, 2008 00:56
My best friend's aunt (the one we crashed with for, um, two months down in California last fall) is in town right now to visit her sister, so we had them up for dinner tonight. It was so good to see her again, she's such an awesome lady, and so funny, and was so good to us. We told stupid surfing stories and she made fun of me for being a crappy cook; just like old times. ♥ I'm just sad her husband couldn't come up, too.
When my parents went to China a couple months ago, they both went temporarily insane at the same time and bought a terracotta warrior. No, really, a full-size, 6-foot tall clay Chinese general who weighs 350 pounds. It took two months to ship over and then my dad had to drive over to Seattle to pick him up last week. He's now standing guard at our back door, and it's simultaneously the coolest thing EVER, and also really freaking scary. I'm going to come home late some night and get the ever-living bejeezus scared out of me.
Have any of you read any Jodi Picoult? If so, do you have a favorite? Everyone and their mom asks for it in the bookstore, and I've heard she's good, and I'm curious.
I bet Jared's EVEN STUDLIER at 26.
like totally dude,
reading list,