(no subject)

May 07, 2008 22:51

After an hour and a half of intense yoga class and two glasses of wine with dinner, I'm TIIIIRED, but I also just realized that I haven't even posted in two weeks, OOPS.

I think mostly it's because I've just been busy being the head of the household while my parents were away in China (they came back yesterday and are all ~*JAZZ HANDS*~ about their trip) as well as having a couple aunts and uncles visit for long weekends. Also, my grandma's leg bloated up like a boiled sausage last week, so, her and I spent an entire day running between the doctor's office and hospital to figure out what was wrong. It turns out she's got a blood clot in her thigh and they've put her on blood thinners, so I'm sure she'll be fine, but spending a lot of time with my grandparents is exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. They both live in the constant nurse care division of a home across town, and while it may make me a bad granddaughter and kind of a horrible person, I don't visit them all that often because it's just really hard to watch them slowly deteriorate, especially mentally. I want to remember them as the fun, strong people of my childhood, not these frail hollowed out shells they've become.

I'm sure there was more I had to say, but mostly I just wanted to say HAAAI GUYS, what's up in YOUR lives? ♥

p.s. Last week's Sam was so throwback season one I almost PEED MYSELF with DELIGHT.

LOOK AT HIS HELPFULLY CONCERNED LITTLE FAAACE. ALSO, HIS FLIPPY HAIR. I still think you need a little trim, baby, but GOOD GOD, you were looking FINE.

That's mostly what I have to say about last week's episode. I'm shallow, so sue me.

the illustrated version, it's all about me, spooky bro love

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