So, mostly when I haven't been working lately, I've been hanging out with the house to myself, playing the piano at all hours of the night, baking banana chocolate chip muffins and watching season two of Dark Angel. I blame
caithream's big mouth for that last one (<333). And also Jensen's stupid face, because Alec is RIDICULOUSLY CHARMING.
Also, there was that NEW EPISODE OF SPN, asdlkfjlsidhgasdf. I would like to talk more about that when I'm not sneaking onto the computer at work, um.
I went to the gym the other morning and decided to talk to a personal trainer because I always feel a little like a putz when I go work out, like I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing with all those machines and all. It was remarkably helpful, actually, and now I'm really excited to go back and try out the workout schedule we set up. Also, I've always had this sort of lump between my left shoulder and my neck, not really noticeable unless I'm in a tank top, and even then it's not a big deal, but it's always sort of bugged me, and Peter the Personal Trainer says it's just my body overcompensating for my mega-buff right arm, HA. A couple weeks of the exercises he gave me and it should go away. \o/
I am so excited about my Florida vacation I can hardly stand it, UGH.