Feb 07, 2007 12:02
So, I wasn't approved for my loan for my reduction. This sucks. But it's not going to stop me this time. I'm not giving up. I'm going to fight. I was approved for 2,900.00/ It isn't near what I need....10,000.00. Yeah it's alot. But i'm getting a breast reduction. There's so much more to a reduction then implant....and I understand that, ahnd he's one of the best...this isn't a purse that if it breaks, i can buy another. This is my body, I want to pay the best for the best...i'll be living with this forever...it's my body....you know what I mean? It's steap, but i'm worth it in my mind to get the best results.
SO! I'm taking this 2,900.00 and paying off all my bills. This way i'm only paying one bill a month, and this way i can save more seeing how it's only one bill not ten million little ones. Also, it'll help my credit, and while i'm saving, i'll be paying back the loan, and have the loan again when I need it for my reduction. It's going to take longer then I thought, but i'm going to try my hardest to get this money. I don't know what i'm going to do, just save, pick up another job, anything, I WILL DO THIS. I just wish I could walk around with a jar saying "Donate please?"
LMAO....it would help. haha.
Anyone wanna let me borrow 10 grand? LOL
Anyways, hopefully this works out, I need this...
On a good note, robert and I went to the sponge docks yesterday and I found a "FRIENDS" wallet. It's beautiful!! We ate at MAMA's and then walked around alittle bit more around town and came home. It was alot of fun! :)