Oct 09, 2004 23:52
Any of you see those debates? Of course not. You were probably too busy taking part in orgies and drugs...gies. Losers that you are.
I watched the debates though. I'll give you my analysis.
First Presidential Debate, Terrorism/Iraq: Well... Bush kinda sucked on this one, unfortunately. He wasn't very poised, not that he ever is, but I was expecting something more. He grimaced at Kerry (but come on, who wouldn't grimace at that guy?), stuttered, and faltered on several questions. Of course, Kerry's performance wasn't much better, all things considered. Sure, Kerry may have sounded eloquent, but there wasn't any substance to what he said. He kept mentioning that his plans were better than Bush's, but he never cared to explain his plans. Oh, sure. You have a better plan, but you just want to keep it secret. That's the way to win an election! Another fuck up of his was about Iraq and Saddam. At one point, he said that he did not think Saddam was a threat, and that we should have never gone to war with Iraq. Near the end of the debate, he agreed with Bush that Saddam was indeed a threat. Sure, Kerry doesn't flip flop. Not at all. Though, I do hate Bush for bringing up his religion so damn much.
Vice Presidential Debate: Damn. Edwards may be pretty, and he may be able to speak well, but Cheney had him beat. At several points, Cheney brought up Edward's atrocious voting record. The man had one of the worst attendance records in the history of the Senate! Oh noes! They were bother rather weak on the controversial gay marriage and abortion issues, skillfully dodging all related questions. Cheney hit Edwards hard on medical issues. After all, Edwards has made most of his millions by taking part in malpractice suits - one of the issues that Kerry's ticket wants to change. A bit odd, eh?
Second Presidentail Debate, Economy: An interesting, town hall type format. I liked it. Bush delivered a much better performance this time around, both in speaking and on his issues. At several times Kerry stumbled over himself saying that he wants our soldiers in Iraq to be better equipped, yet he voted against spending more money to equip them. Again, he preaches about the need for intelligence, but voted for cutting the intelligence budget. Bush nailed him on both of these issues, and, while not being as good of a speaker, he definitely pointed out Kerry's flaws. The last question of the night was for Bush to name three of his flaws. Am I the only person a bit flabbergasted by this? The questioners ask Kerry to 'look the camera in the eye' and say he will cut taxes, yet ask Bush to name three of his flaws? Undecided questioners my ass.
I'm really hoping Bush wins. Kerry has shown himself to be slippery, patronizing, and sometimes, an outright liar.