Blanca Nieves Bianca
age17 and 18 in July
sexTechnically female despite what some may think
hair colorDark brown
height5"5 going on 5"6
occupationStudent/Jr. improv comedian/man of 100 voices
personalityOnline: Easily intimidated, more easy going, awkward(?), overly excited at times, b-badass sorta not really IRL: Easily intimidated, "I wanna say this! But I'm too nervous...orz", Mustache and eyepatch, strange voices, weird faces
political affiliationModerate leaning towards Liberal
dare we say -dere?There is no dere to me, just "tsuntsun"
series/games/movies/etc.Glee, Bones, Dr. Horrible, Inglorious Bastards, Pulp Fiction, Cats Don't Dance, Gremlins, Kino's Journey, Kurau: Phantom Memory, Fairy Tail, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Utena, Welcome to the NHK, Gakuen Alice, .Hack, Strawberry Marshmallow, Final Fantasy, Persona, Lackadaisy, Power Girl, Batman, Kick-Ass, Laon, Seikon no Qwaser, Domina no Do, Wild Life, Saijou no Meii, most shonen manga, Maria Holice, POKEMON, DIGIMON, MARIO BROS., SSB, Phoenix Wright...etc
dramas?Not big on dramas really, no drama llamas please.
musicIndie, House, oldies, rockabilly, broadway musical, Alternative rock, electronica, 80's music, anything that may contain cowbell and or a theramin, some pop if its catchy enough, something with a good beat, swing and jive music, funk, full orchestra classic, stringed orchestra classic. Dislike: country, contemporary jazz and most rap.
character typesDirty Cop, Anti role model, The Woobie(?), Don't You Dare Pity Me, Elephant's child, Hair Trigger Temper, Bad Ass, Naive newcomer, and I haven't tried much of anything else.
relationship tropesHeterosexual life partners, Belligerent Sexual Tension, Heartbroken Badass, Just Friends, I uh you too, Innocent Cohabitation, It's Not You, It's Me, It Doesn't Mean Anything, Oblivious to Love.
Hetalia shipsg!USxUK, g!UKxg!US, Belarus/Russia/Ukraine, Switz/Liech, hungary/belarus, Hungary/Prussia, Switz/guns, Tomatoe Gang, Belgium/Netherlands, Belarus/Ukraine, France/Seychelles, V-vash/Roderich...(JUST FRIENDS, HONEST), g!Germany/Prussia, ROMAxTHE WORLD!!
rp modus operandi1)Hesistantly bring up idea or "OH DUDE, THIS IDEA IS SO SWEET LETS DO DIS'", 2)OCD PLANNING, 3)Brain fart and slight nervousness/hesitation, 4)Hope for the best, inserting bad-assery, gun battle, and beating people up whenever I can, 5)Oh- wait plot needs to go in here somewhere, 6)Introduction, relationship, conflict, resolution, tagline. This is what improv has taught me.
DO NOT WANTCorn in my soup :I, Spicy food, bitter food, drama llamas, people hatin' on what I like, racism/stereotyping, Biggotry, vegetables, mental math, sudoku, pranksters, painful suprises, talking bad about friends, vomit, gore, piss/crap in my porn, life without sweets, being left alone for more then 6 hrs..., cockaroaches, spiders, small dark spaces.
will eatAnything plain, bland, and tasteless. Something sweet but not overly sweet that kills the flavor, berries, RED MEAT: RARE TO MEDIUM RARE, BEEF, STEAK, tacos de lengua, flan.
cuddles?U-uhm, who are you again...??
right thenLeft then
trauma bonding?No thank you, unless its bonding over Trauma Center <3<3
On another note, I may have to go into hiatus due to the sheer amount of work that is being pooped on me at the last minute from school. T-that math grade really needs to go up or...yeah, bad stuff to come. If anything it may last until the graduation day so I'm sorry in advance for anyone I have anything going on with this month "orz. ONE THOUSAND APOLOGIES WILL NOT EVEN CUT IT AHHH IM SORRY YA'LL~!!