i voted.

Nov 04, 2008 09:10

if you haven't voted yet, GO DO IT!!! and please please please VOTE NO ON 8.

there were about 15 people in front of me when i stepped into line this morning. it took me about 20 minutes to get into the booth where i filled out the ballot, which took me a few minutes in and of itself. (there are ~30 items on the ballot this year, counting the presidential, house, state positions, judicial positions, and propositions!)

it disgusts me whenever i go to vote that there's a super-conservative guy who owns the house at the mouth of the cul-de-sac. he always sets up some signs *just outside* of the legal limit prohibiting electioneering next to a polling place. (it's 100 feet; his signs are 110 feet away.) this year there were three "yes on 8" signs; one had been trashed.

as i was walking away from the polling place back to my car, a woman was complaining to the election officials about the signs. the man who put the signs there was actually standing guard to make sure they stayed put. he was complaining to the woman and the election official how he had lost several signs due to theft and vandalization. i kept my mouth shut, but i *really* wanted to smack the guy for being a bigoted asshole.

on my way to work, i stopped by the side of the road to prop up a fallen "no on 8" sign to make sure it could be seen better by passersby. take that, mr. bigoted asshole. ^_^
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