Crossover crackfic

Jan 19, 2007 18:30

I have my assignment for the Buffyverse Cross-Fandom Ficathon, and it's fantastically perfect and slots instantly into the LOM/BtVS plot bunny I've had for a while now. And I'm pondering it, and thinking about time-travellers colliding, and you can't do that without thinking about the Doctor, obviously.

Then I work a bit more on the Rhys/Jack I've been playing with, and they start wanting in on the action, and it ends up wanting to be a gigantic Life On Mars/BtVS/AtS//Doctor Who/Torchwood story where Ethan gets away from the Initiative by going back in time to the good old days with Ripper in 1973, but the spell gets caught in an opening of the Rift and fractures, catching up poor old DCI Sam Tyler in it as well. All this gets the attention of the Doctor, who has to go and sort it all out, and ends up taking Rhys and Jack with him. And the Creepy Test Card Girl is really the Conduit to the Senior Partners, who's got her own agenda to prevent the Slayer-sharing by having Sam & Gene arrest Ripper and stop him becoming Giles. And they all end up going through the White Room to Wolfram & Hart during AtS S5, and much wackiness and unfeasible pairings ensue until they recapture Ethan, send Sam home (with Gene) and stop Spike from trying to steal the TARDIS. And Jack takes over the Initiative, and Willow, Giles & Andrew join Torchwood, and Buffy becomes Ten's next Companion, and everybody lives happily ever after.

So If I were to actually try and write something like that I'd be certifiably insane, right?
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