Title: Insert Title Here
Author: Liv
OC: Eric Caffiso
12_developments Prompt: 12. First Job
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: N/A
Eric was sitting in Detective Phuny’s office, clicking his tongue against the back of his teeth as he waited. He knew he was in trouble. He was in big trouble, and there was no way he was talking himself out of this. He could only hope Kaelyn explained the situation enough for him to keep his job.
Eric jumped as Charles walked into his office, sighing and snapping his office door shut.
"You’re being temporarily demoted."
"Seriously?" said Eric, sitting up and looking at Charles hopefully.
"For a year," said Charles, sitting behind his desk with a sigh. "Tanner would make a good lawyer."
Eric sighed in relief and dropped his head onto Charles’ desk. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Don’t thank me. Thank Tanner and Maka."
"Maka?" asked Eric suddenly, looking up. "Maka vouched for me?"
"That surprises you?" asked Charles. "I couldn’t get two words in with the two of them talking."