Last year I started writing a novel, which was (very) loosely based on my life. Last night I had a look at what I'd already written and I had a bit of a shuffle and have now turned 3 chapters into 6. I'm actually feeling quite enthusiatic about it and I keep having epiphanies while in the shower. I've spent the last 24 hours frantically scribbling any idea I have in my notebook....go me the literary genius.
I've hardly written anything over the past decade, not since I got offered a traineeship with the NME when I was 16. I wonder what would have happened if my Dad had let me do it rather than force me off to do A levels.
BY the way
_silver_angel_ you'd have been so proud of me last night. We had a mock trial in my ILEX practice class and I won my case *woohoo*. I felt particularly good as the bloke acting as prosecutor already has a law degree!
Scott comes home tomorrow which is good.
My suit came today for the up and coming weddings. Well the jacket did anyway. The stupid skirt could take up to 28 days...buggery bollocks....I need it for 23rd, which is not good.