happy moment of the day: watching two grown men play catch in the street :D
Today in my movie watching adventures, I watched Wimbledon (b/c I fiercely ♥ Paul Bettany) and Sophie's Choice. Obviously Sophie's Choice is a much better and more powerful movie. Plus, it has Peter MacNicol! Larry! And I get to see him again tonight in Numb3rs. (Yea for reruns!)
Guess the Dictator and/or Television Sit-Com Character It got me as Drew Carey and Mao! ahaha!!!
ETA: wow! 3 for 3! "It wasn't easy, but I won this time. You are player number 3 to have chosen Elliot Stabler from Law and Order SVU. Elliot Stabler from Law and Order SVU was a tough one, but I've had a lot of practice. Thanks for giving me something to do. Please visit again soon."
Peter (0:56:12): We could of course label each version
Peter (0:56:18): like The ARE Directory 2.0
aiyapourquoi (0:56:20): just what i was thinking
Peter (0:57:03): It sounds offcial
aiyapourquoi (0:57:27): yes. new and improved
aiyapourquoi (0:57:53): comes standard with a subscription to The ARE Forum
Peter (0:58:19): Don't delay. Respond to your invite today!
Peter (0:58:30): To get all of these great features!
aiyapourquoi (0:58:55): haha, we should make a commercial
aiyapourquoi (0:59:01): ooo... an online banner
Peter (0:59:12): But wait....there's more!
aiyapourquoi (0:59:25): tell me all about it, Peter!
Peter (1:00:14): Well, Elysa, how much would you pay for this forum. $1000? $500?
aiyapourquoi (1:02:43): or upwards!
Peter (1:03:42): That's right! But on this special, uh, internet offer. I am offering membership in the exculsive ARE forum for the unheard of low, low price of $19.99
Peter (1:03:54): (...per month)
Peter (1:04:10): (...for 72 months)
Peter (1:04:19): What a deal!
Peter (1:04:37): You can't afford not to buy it!
aiyapourquoi (1:07:12): but if you, uh, IM right now, you get an even better deal!
Peter (1:07:50): Better?! How is that possible, Elysa?
aiyapourquoi (1:09:57): Not only do you get a membership in the exclusive ARE forum as well as the complimentary ARE Directory v. 2.0, but a whole photo album is also included!
Peter (1:10:24): Wow! We're practically giving this stuff away!
aiyapourquoi (1:10:33): I know!
aiyapourquoi (1:10:49): If I wasn't already a member, I'd sign up right now!
aiyapourquoi (1:11:10): In fact, I might have to sign up again, just because it's such a deal!
Peter (1:11:11): I've canacelled my membership just to have teh pleasure of signing up again!
Peter (1:12:11): Not only will the ARE forum allow you to converse on a high level with fellow stake-holders, it will lift you and your financial situation to a new paradigm of transcendtalism!
aiyapourquoi (1:13:28): It's whole business strategy is based on the avant-guard philosophy of synergy!
Peter (1:14:14): It's a value-added process on a primordial definitive viewpoint, according to our focus group.
aiyapourquoi (1:15:31): And what a focus group! comprised of industry leaders such as Donald Trump and Bozo the Clown!
Peter (1:16:33): All who have joined our community at the ARE forum. Yout oo can be a part of this revolution. It just takes one, uh, IM.
Peter (1:16:40): Our opertaorsd are standing by.
Peter (1:17:17): Due to the uniqueness of this offer we can only offer one membership per household, so IM now!
aiyapourquoi (1:17:51): our special offer is only good through the night!
aiyapourquoi (1:18:11): and supplies are unlimited!
Peter (1:18:23): The prices will never be this low again!
aiyapourquoi (1:21:47): They're so low that it's almost like we're paying you!
Peter (1:22:17): There is nothing to lose*
aiyapourquoi (1:33:33): ah! my computer is so slow right now!
Peter (1:33:57): you don;t have spyware, do you?
aiyapourquoi (1:34:51): well it wouldn't be very spyish if i knew, would it? haha
Peter (1:35:40): It is bad spyware, then. It's the worse kind. It can't do it's job properly.
Peter (1:35:42): hehe
aiyapourquoi (1:37:43): perhaps The ARE Directory 2.0 can help me
Peter (1:38:37): of course! It slices, it dices. It has the whiting power of bleach without the damaginf side effects of chlorine.
Peter (1:38:50): It makes your whites whiter and your brights brighetr
aiyapourquoi (1:41:20): what about my bright white?
Peter (1:42:16): It makes them whiter and brigher. It is a truly remarkable product
Peter (1:42:58): I must go now beacsue I am battling spyware on my computer and the next steps toward its complete destruxtion require me to restart the computer
Peter (1:43:06): So I must bid thee farewell
Peter (1:43:19): sometime we need to plan our memorial service for the late tree
Peter (1:43:30): I am still in the market for an obelisk
aiyapourquoi (1:43:43): i will also keep an i out
aiyapourquoi (1:44:02): gah! eye, haha
Peter (1:44:15): hehe
aiyapourquoi (1:44:23): what a strange reflex
aiyapourquoi (1:44:34): to type i
Peter (1:44:35): eye know...hehe... goodnight