Feb 01, 2004 12:56
wow. fucking rad. that one turned out pretty damn decent.
um yesterday was interesting. hung out with shannon, played guitar, threw pottery, hung out with mike and brian in the computer room in trayhern. meeting new people is lovely - especially when they share a common interest that one in maybe 3000 people share with you [maybe a bigger ratio than that]. we ended up at the blackhorse. heidi was there too. shes a funny cat. it miss hanging out with her. 9/10ths of the way through the meal robb and mike stopped by... then we saw gar.... yeah. stuff. i drank some beers. yummy. i spilled beer. fuck me with a pitchfork sideways.
thats all. i have nothing introspective to say really.
im at work. as you may have guessed. yeah. - bye.