i have been sick since friday. i felt like comPLETE ass sunday. im still coughing a bit and i have a lil runny nose but besides that i -am- very near 100%. oh what a bitch it is to be sick during exam week. tho i think it may have been a blessing in disguise? cuz i DID do kinda decent - and maybe that was attributed to my *i have nothing else really to live for* attitude this past week.
i only had 3 exams. well acutally 2 tests (saturday, wednesday) and one final homework that counts a mass % of our grade (monday - was assigned FRIDAY! O_O). i did pretty damn well on ALL of these finals. im actually kinda proud of myself - tho i AM going to hell for one of them ;)
ummm - w0t else... absolutly nothing really since ive been sick there has been NO partying or NOTTTTING!!! playing a lot of
half life.. aaaand.. yeah.
oh yeah i upploaded some racket to my website. so if anybody gives a rats ass about listening to so noises and beeps and twirps i made then go check it out at
berfmurret and go to the music section (telephone).
im stoked school is over - as is everyone else is, im sure.